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Ladder Safety


Learn how to work safely on a ladder at workplace. Choose correct ladder for the job.


Workers using a ladder to reach heights at the workplace are at greater risk of falls. In Canada, it is estimated that 14,000 workers are injured in Canada as a result of falling from ladders. The majority of these accidents happen due to poor placement of the ladder, overreaching and using the wrong ladder. Get yourself and your workers trained on safe use of ladders through this course. this course will provide you with knowledge on how to work safely from a ladder and keep yourself safe - return home safely at the end of the day.  Make safety your priority!

Course Content :

  • Types of ladders and their uses
  • Ladder inspection
  • Setting up various types of ladders
  • Guidelines for safe ladder use
  • Storage and maintenance

Prerequisites :

Basic understanding of ladders/ use of ladders 

Course Duration :

3 hours

Course Fee (Plus taxes) :


No schedule found

Please contact us if you want to schedule this course for your organisation and for corporate discounts.